Workhub is a workplace safety and compliance management app. It handles all the heavy
lifting for companies looking to manage a large number of workers and ensure they have all the compliance and safety requirements needed for the jobs at hand. From Online Training, Certificates, Competencies, Policies, Assessments and more. They also have an E-Commerce store and offer a rewards system that motivates workers to complete all required compliances and earn points to get some really cool rewards (I'm talking Helly Hansen, Ryobi, Carhartt, Yeti, you name it ).
lifting for companies looking to manage a large number of workers and ensure they have all the compliance and safety requirements needed for the jobs at hand. From Online Training, Certificates, Competencies, Policies, Assessments and more. They also have an E-Commerce store and offer a rewards system that motivates workers to complete all required compliances and earn points to get some really cool rewards (I'm talking Helly Hansen, Ryobi, Carhartt, Yeti, you name it ).
My time here has been spent bettering the heart and soul of the app - the compliance management pages. These sections are important because they are the reason the app exists, from uploading certificates to functioning training videos, my job has been to design a positive user experience for both the administration and workers using the app on a daily basis.
Below is what we call Credential Filters, this was a heavy one to figure out because if designed well it is a powerful tool, but if designed poorly it deems quite useless. Let me explain, Imagine you are trying to find the perfect set of people to go out on a job, but you have 300 employees and you need to filter that down to 10 based on how compliant they are which is further based on certain prerequisites and requirements. It sounds fairly simple but when digging into the nitty gritty of it, it took a lot of brain power, as there is a lot more to it that I don't want to bore you with. However, I am proud of the end result and believe the users will have a much easier time using this important section of the app.

This is the Filter list page where Admins first enter into credential filters and can keep all their filter lists grouped and organized, They can see at a glance how many matching workers there are, the locations and positions of said workers as well as how many requirements there are.

Once a Filter is selected or a new one is added you will find yourself in the Filter Overview tab. This is where Compliance Requirements are selected as well as the worker filters. This page
is where the admin gets to decide what Requirements they want each employee to have, and how much compliance they have completed. Through this, they will have a rough overview of how many workers are a match for what they are looking for.
is where the admin gets to decide what Requirements they want each employee to have, and how much compliance they have completed. Through this, they will have a rough overview of how many workers are a match for what they are looking for.

The matching worker's tab is where the admin will get to see which workers are best suited to their needs. They will have the ability to filter based on name, Location, Worker Type, Requirements and compliance. This will not only allow them to see who is best suited but also which worker is missing particular requirements, who have not been assigned requirements and who is lacking in overall compliance.

When in matching workers and a worker is selected it will take you to their Compliance Abstract, which will provide an overview of worker details, their personal compliance and all their Requirement details. This will help the admin see exactly where a worker is and help them get where they need to be without having to exit all the way out of this function, which is how it currently works.
Admin will also have the ability to download a physical PDF/SVF report.
Old Design

When admins want to ask workers a question they create a poll with multiple answers to choose from, currently, when a worker receives a question it pops up as a little card in their dashboard and once they have voted for their response it disappears, and that's it! It's gone! Currently, there is no way for workers to re-look at the questions. So I have created a part of the app that they can click into, and see the history of all the polls - which ones they have voted for and which ones are still pending a response. Beyond that, they will have the ability to see the results, and if the Admin permits it they can see who voted for what answer (this is beneficial to see whos coming to the company BBQ), but also leave a comment for any feedback, questions or concerns they may have.

If you would like to see more of my work, please let me know and I will be
happy to show and walk you through more of my projects for Workhub!
happy to show and walk you through more of my projects for Workhub!